Selby CP was designated as a National Support School in February 2016 as recognition of the school to school support we have been involved with and also the self-improvement we have led within our own building.
Of our external support Ofsted commented:
“The school’s revised improvement plan provides a clear sense of direction for the school. It has been shared with staff and identifies precisely the action required to bring about improvements. It contains detailed success criteria and weekly milestones by which progress can be effectively measured. This makes it straightforward for senior leaders and governors to gauge how well the school is improving over time.” – Ofsted 2013
“Since September 2015, the quality of the support from the local authority, a senior leader in education, your mentor and the headteacher of Selby Community Primary School has been instrumental in driving improvement. The local authority has also initiated a review of governance and the pupil premium, contributing thereby to the shaping of the school’s improvement planning.” – Ofsted 2015

If you would like to talk about any aspect of school to school support please contact us. Email