Selby Community Primary School follows White Rose Maths which is based on a mastery method of teaching.
The scheme includes the use: of a highly developed website, which is used to deliver each lesson, a workbook for each child to complete an exercise each day. It follows a clear progression, children are taught concepts initially using concrete materials, which then moves into pictorial representations and finally into abstract concepts. From one lesson to the next, there are small steps, which enable children to work with confidence and to grasp concepts clearly. The consistent approach through school is evident. The scheme is matched to the national curriculum and full coverage is evident in the scheme.
Lessons are delivered following a prescribed pattern:
Flashback 4
Every lesson begins with 4 questions, which are taken from the previous day, week or term to aid recall and fluency. Additionally, every term there is a focus topic, such as time, roman numerals or times tables which is targeted with one quick task.
True or False
A true or false question is discussed by the children with a talk partner.
Get Ready
Children answer a series of questions which form part of the learning for today’s lesson. These cover skills required during the lesson.
Let’s Learn
The teacher leads the children through the learning for the lesson. During this section there will be opportunities for use of concrete materials, discussion, experimentation and investigation. Children are given a final chance to work as a team. They may record answers on a white board, or in a journal, but the focus will be on discussion and collaboration.
Children work independently and silently on a workbook page. The teacher marks this, in the moment, and issues can be addressed immediately or highlighted for further work on an afternoon.
In addition to this, all children from Year 1 to Year 6 have a TTrockstars account, which helps them learn the times tables by heart.
In EYFS, the same mastery approach to maths is followed with children interrogating and picking apart numbers so that they have a thorough grasp of each concept taught.