If you are thinking about applying for a place in our reception for next September the application process is now …

If you are thinking about applying for a place in our reception for next September the application process is now …
Places are booking up fast for our @SWLiteracy taster session in November. Thursday 14th November in the morning. £60 per …
We are collecting stickers for the Aldi Team GB sticker competition. Please send any stickers to the school office to …
A Flu vaccination form has been emailed out to parents of children from Reception to Year 6 Please complete the …
Class Dojo has been updated for this academic year, invites have been emailed out to new parents/parents who have not …
We strive to ensure every child can achieve the best that they can
Essential for raising valued and self-respecting citizens and life long learners
We strive to engage children through inspirational learning experiences
My daughter has been at your school now for 2 weeks and it’s so nice to see her go to …